On Tuesday, April 10, Border Action Network is recognizing the day as a National Day of Action for immigration reform. April 10 will mark the one year anniversary of southern Arizona's largest march in supporting immediate reformation on current border policies. Border Action Network is calling the day a "community meeting for immigration reform," according to their website.
The House of Representatives recently introduced the STRIVE Act, which gives a path to citizenship for the undocumented worker in the United States. The program was constructed to help illegal immigrants find work, but it is also asking for an increase in military along the border. Adding more military force will only increase the criminalization of innocent immigrants. People will be more frequently persecuted and charged with crimes they are unaware of.
Border Action Network strongly feels border and immigrant communities, like Tucson, need to send a message to Congress stating that immigration reform must include a legal path to permanent residency. This way, families will not be broken, and employment applications will not become lost in, and everyone will be accounted for.
People all representing their school, church, or union, in an effort to stress the importance of immediate immigration reform. Border Action Network will recognize a group of 20 people or more as a group with immigration concerns.
Border Action Network will also begin a local campaign of sending 10,000 postcards in a three month time period to Senators supporting the state of Arizona. These postcards are primarily sent urging the Senators to support immigration and border policy reform.
The Presidential campaigns are just around the corner, and therefore now is the ideal time to send a message to Congress and make your voice heard. Raising awareness of border and immigration reform is one important step in achieving policy change on a global scale.
Border Action Network (http://www.borderaction.org/index.php)
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