In a nutshell, the proposition says that university students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents, or who do not have legal immigration paperwork, are not eligible for in-state tuition or financial aid.
According to the University of Arizona's website, If you do not receive in-state tuition status, and do not receive financial aid funded by the state of Arizona, then you are not affected by the proposition. If you receive in-state tuition status, or receive financial aid supported by the state of Arizona, then you are affected by proposition 300.
There are primary forms of documentation that the University of Arizona will accept as evidence of citizenship and permanent residency. Documents include Arizona driver's license (issued after 1996), U.S. passport (current or expired), birth certificate, or military I.D. Secondary forms of documentation include social security card, selective service card, credit card, or bank card.
Many people oppose the proposition because they feel it is preventing immigration reform. People want to see the entire immigration situation improved, and preventing students from learning seems like were taking steps backwards. Also, some argue that we are not finding unique academic potential, by denying kids the opportunity to learn in the United States. In other words, kids that are considered illegal, may have potential that will remain unrecognized.
The entire proposition appears mean spirited, but maybe it will create an environment in which obtaining proper documentation is the number one priority.
Arizona Daily Star (http://www.azstarnet.com/)
University of Arizona (http://www.arizona.edu/)
SXC (http://www.sxc.hu/home)
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