Sunday, March 25, 2007

Border Patrol Caught on Video

Border Patrol is responsible for ultimately keeping the border safe, but they have also been the center of illegal activity.

According to the Arizona Daily Star, a former U.S. Border Patrol Agent was found guilty of stealing approximately 23 pounds of marijuana during a routine traffic stop. The Arizona Department of Public Safety conducted the traffic stop and was able to arrest the untrustworthy Border Agent.

Michael Carlos Gonzalez, 34, was found guilty of possession and also charged with the intent to distribute the marijuana. According to the Jesus Rodriquez, spokesman for the U.S. Border Patrol Tuscon sector, said Gonzalez resigned from the agency after being arrested.

The incident originally started in December of 2005, when a pickup truck was stopped on Arizona 83. The two men in the truck were pulled over, but immediately ran into the desert. The men left pounds of marijuana hidden in the bed of the truck.

Gonzalez took the call, arrived at the scene in his Border Patrol uniform, and took the responsibility of watching the marijuana, to ensure no one would tamper with evidence.

A camera in the back of the officer's patrol car clearly showed Gonzalez backing his car to the front of the pickup truck. He is shown opening the tailgate of the truck and taking a bundle of marijuana. Border Patrol did not realize Gonzalez had committed any crime until the videotape was released. According to reports, the missing bundle of marijuana was never recovered.

The U.S. Border Patrol needs to realize they are representing the United States on a global scale. We need to take pride in protecting our borders and ensuring our government does not have corrupted or deceiving employees. There is no possible way of successfully managing the border when our own agents are taking part in drug distribution. Border residents look to Border Agents for protection, and yet some of them have entirely different agendas.

Without the videotape, Gonzalez would be a free man who had used the governmental system to pleasure his own lifestyle. In the future, consequences for this type of internal crime must be elevated. The United States government needs to send a message showing that we will not tolerate criminal behavior, especially when it involves one of our own.

Arizona Daily Star (

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Proposition 300

Proposition 300 is a controversial referendum that was passed in November of last year, and many local citizens feel the proposition is just and fair.

In a nutshell, the proposition says that university students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents, or who do not have legal immigration paperwork, are not eligible for in-state tuition or financial aid.

According to the University of Arizona's website, If you do not receive in-state tuition status, and do not receive financial aid funded by the state of Arizona, then you are not affected by the proposition. If you receive in-state tuition status, or receive financial aid supported by the state of Arizona, then you are affected by proposition 300.

There are primary forms of documentation that the University of Arizona will accept as evidence of citizenship and permanent residency. Documents include Arizona driver's license (issued after 1996), U.S. passport (current or expired), birth certificate, or military I.D. Secondary forms of documentation include social security card, selective service card, credit card, or bank card.

Many people oppose the proposition because they feel it is preventing immigration reform. People want to see the entire immigration situation improved, and preventing students from learning seems like were taking steps backwards. Also, some argue that we are not finding unique academic potential, by denying kids the opportunity to learn in the United States. In other words, kids that are considered illegal, may have potential that will remain unrecognized.

The entire proposition appears mean spirited, but maybe it will create an environment in which obtaining proper documentation is the number one priority.


Arizona Daily Star (

University of Arizona (

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Increase in Special Training May Be Necessary

With the increasing amount of drug busts taking place along the border by authorities, an overall increase in special training enforcement may be necessary.

For example, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano has recently decided to send some Department of Public Safety Officers to special training classes, in an effort to strictly enforce immigration laws and make the border safer.

According to The Arizona Daily Star, there will be approximately 100 people out of 1,200 receiving the special training.

The special training class lasts five weeks and is primarily teaches officers to immediately recognize is someone is violating an immigration law. If the officers manage to arrest any illegal immigrants, they have the power to deport them, according to the Arizona Daily Star.

The Governor wanted to make it clear that this special training is not, in any way, intended to scare or intimidate any immigrants thinking about coming to the United States. We welcome any individual who is seeking employment and has legal documentation.

The officers who pass the five week class will be immediately working on cases dealing with illegal immigration. According to the Arizona Daily Star, the officers will be targeting smuggling rings, money laundering and gang-related activity.

Officers already has the authority of enforcing immigration law, these special classes gives them the right to arrest if they come across illegal activity along the border. This plan will hopefully implement a structured environment in a chaotic setting.
It's important to make the border a place of salvation and re-birth, rather than a haven for violence and continual crime.
*Arizona Daily Star (

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Raising Awareness

In an effort to raise communal awareness, Border Action Network, a local organization dedicated to protecting human and civil rights along the Arizona/Mexico border, is planning a trip to Washington, D.C., to present their ideas, demands, proposals, and also concerns to members of Congress.

According to Border Action Network's website, hundreds of immigrants from border region, along with several interior communities will meet in Washington. One of the primary concerns is the immediacy to establish a legalized program with access to permanent residency for immigrant workers and families already in the United States. They also want Congress to strongly consider implementing a new program that allows immigrant workers to come to the U.S. legally, and without violence.

In order for massive immigration reform, we need to fully develop programs that allow immigrants to participate in the social and political life of the U.S. It is important that immigrants feel welcome, and is it the responsibility of Congress to ensure they remain fearless when crossing the border.

Another issue is to protect the labor rights of immigrant workers. Many illegal immigrants are able to find work, but because they are not considered legal workers, their labor rights are frequently stripped from them. They have no other source of income, and therefore money remains the objective, no matter the harsh or violent treatment.

Border Action Network would generally like to see an entire revision of current border policies. According to Border Action Network, the policies should be designed to protect the rights of immigrants, and not strictly for enforcement purposes.

In an effort to raise money for the Washington D.C. trip, Border Action Network members are currently working diligently by organizing car washes, selling local concert tickets, and taking orders for home-made tamales. Let's hope they can raise enough money, and take their localized opinions to Congress.

*Pictures taken from: